i made it (or rather, i'm in l.a.)! it's been an awfully intense couple of weeks... some of it is explained in the poem "shifting decks" below, which turned out to be the final poem of the collection "blankets, bolts, and blue jeans" that i submitted to a small press in ohio for their "first book of poetry" or something contest. i sent it out last thursday so that's a huge relief/leap into uncertainty. maybe i'll actually get published and maybe that would legitimize this poetry business in my head a bit more.. who knows. left stevens point on friday morning to head to minneapolis, where i was graciously hosted by none other than mr. neal jerome olson (thanks again) and met up with ben and michelle.. good times. oh, g&t. oh, byog&t. spent saturday at neal's cabin.. two words: ladder golf. fuckin' a. left sunday, made it to s. dakota and was surrounded by bikers (sturgis, anyone?).. camped in s. dakota, left early monday and made it to the southwest corner of wyoming. beautiful drive that day. saw bighorn national park, a town called thermopolis (no shit) and some crazy canyons, rivers, lakes, wide open landscapes.. stopped for the night, camped, and drove another 13 hours through salt lake, vegas, and finally, the city of angels. been hanging here, talking with the new roomies, trying to find a job. i have an interview tomorrow at a coffee shop in beverly hills.. we'll see what happens. l.a.'s got a pretty poppin bike scene as well (http://www.midnightridazz.com/), so i'm excited about that and also excited to get settled a bit. yay!
an advert for http://contextclothing.com/??
my dad and i.
country riding.
four generations.
nephew baraka.
uncle danny riding my track bike..
mr. daryl olson and the fine, fine art of ladder golf. he has technique. finesse.
campfire c/o http://www.flyoverstate.com/.
bighorn national park. i'm a fucking goon.
wyoming. scary.