Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Welcome Back/Coming Together

chilling at context with phill

[scanned polaroid shot]

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


For Days of Dawn Sleep

Still thinking still revising still having fun with this one so I'll burden you with another draft.

“For Days of Dawn Sleep”

And the birds are my friends.
Perhaps deserving something
of an ode, or something less.

Morning cappuccino coupling
up to another late night, and your
photo-snapping warming
me up more than the small croissant. Thanks

thanks for keeping my progression
progression going because you know
part of me clings
to my fiveyearsfromnow me to
hold me still in the present
to make—excuse me—tarnishing blemishing glances
my skin tickling itself binging on conversations
and something in the back of my head feeling
the need to purge every morning of you
know what luscious pains au chocolat
too much caffeine shaking me
just a little too much. Thanks

thanks for making now a bit
more secure by helping to allow

it to shrink against a future.

A Sincere, Low Bow [Draft]

5/31 addition to original post:

This image displays part of my writing/revision process. I start with some ideas written usually in my journal or that have been lingering in my head and then plop/type them onto the page, developing line breaks, etc... Then I go back with a pen to revise and that's part of what you see here. I'm clarifying because Ed asked if this was a poem I had work-shopped and torn apart. So no, not exactly... This is my own tearing.

Saturday, May 26, 2007




Friday, May 25, 2007

Four Days of Dawn Sleep

because i've been staying awake until four and five in the morning "and we like what we need to" is what i was writing last night when we sat in the kitchen drinking tea and i was drawn to this poem i wrote about my cousin's suicide. he made sense or came to terms with some sort of immediate conditions and made a move. i call that one “A Deck of Cards” and the last stanza goes like this

"And the kitchen clock moving
and watching nonetheless
while he made sense
with what he needed to.

Then he shut himself off."

but now i'm thinking about this "Four Days of Dawn Sleep" and drafting something else together:

And the birds are my friends.
Perhaps deserving something of an ode.
or something less.

Morning cappuccino coupling up
to another late night.
And your photo-snapping warming
me up more than the small croissant.

Thanks for that. For keeping my progression
progression going because, you know, part
of me clings to my fiveyearsfromnow me to hold me still in the present to make these late nights cigarettes mistakes luscious
ones luscious mornings pained au chocolat
with too much caffeine shaking me just a little too much

helping shrink against this future me
and make the rightnow me more secure.

Lazy Afternoon

sleeping pattern was on a good run for about two days. but i ended up getting to bed around 700a and waking up at 430p.

this was breakfast
[there were sandwiches to follow shortly]

this was my alarm clock

ran into neil

--------an hour or so later--------
[coffee + cigs]

--------another hour later--------

earl grooms himself

ben joins in on coffee and cigs

i didn.t do shit today. and i enjoyed it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bags & Bikes

high 80s. sunny. windy as hell. gorgeous.

shot on location today at Orton Park and realized that mosquito season is here

straight chillin

ryan [context]
the boss

brainstorming for the shoot

chrome bags @ the swings
check soon for online availability

hot days + one cup of coffee on an empty stomach = insulin break

when not writing poetry or modeling denim, jared the seamstress.

ben & umechan

ben and his new bareknuckle

the other boss [sam]

where i usually end a beautiful day of shooting outside

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Another 48 Hours...

Nas had once said, "Sleep is the cause of the death..."
apparently i follow this dictum because i have been up for about two days straight....
last night I tossed around in bed with Anna Karenina until 530a, then this...

denim geek h.q. [context]

ZR Cycles bike on the Capitol Square seen this man around town for the past 4 years. and he.s always just chillin. reppin the New Balance kicks... [@ Sunroom Cafe]

demitasse. smug. espresso.

pretty boy. camel lights.

it seems that bikes seem to be the new, ultimate accessory for this coming spring/summer.
you got the indie//hipster//____ kids rockin fixed gear bikes and selvage denim...
girlies scootin around town with classic cruisers...
[pics to supplement soon]

but also with the recent popularity of bikes, rarities like this pop up for sale:
[currently housed @ Yellow Jersey]


this is Andy Muzi. owner of Yellow Jersey since 1971.

tim[yj] with a current project

mimi [yj]

Neil [SCRAM Couriers]

Friday, May 18, 2007

Drinks and Graduation

Friday. 60s. Graduation season.

Slept @ 1000a
Awoke@ 230p

@400p @ Genna.s [happy hour]