high 80s. sunny. windy as hell. gorgeous.

shot on location today at Orton Park and realized that mosquito season is here

straight chillin

ryan [
the boss

brainstorming for the shoot

chrome bags @ the swings
www.contextclothing.com soon for online availability

hot days + one cup of coffee on an empty stomach = insulin break

when not writing poetry or modeling denim, jared the seamstress.

ben & umechan

ben and his new bareknuckle

the other boss [sam]

where i usually end a beautiful day of shooting outside
Oh you've been busy with my baby.
hey Ben, nice BK...YOU BITER!
(you know i got love)
nice shots phil!
neal - i hated to bite, but the blue is too purty! :) we should ride together, it would be cute.
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