i took this one, lina, so i'm claiming photo credits. bbq/beer/bike locks/cigs [madison]
finally got a chance to put these ones upright and add some captions. the first few are from l.a. and the others are s.f.

george conducting a transaction. [l.a.]

skid spots.

close-up of previously posted orange20 mural.
buffmonster show at the corey helford gallery, culver city.

pink on pink.

post-indian food hugs. l-r lindsay, tattiya, george, nick. [s.f.]

post-mash premier race shot. can remember this guy's name but he was nice.

another in front of victoria theater.

taken around 10pm near the end of the second showing.

after-spot #2 (after #1, noodles).

the MASH premiere looks massive!
my fault jared. ill def give you the props for it. i love this pic. im having it printed out and it will go on my wall in my shoebox in tokyo.
phill- can you add this link to the things we like? http://www.madbikepolo.org/ i like bike polo.
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