And bounces and cities but what a vague word to invoke to call upon almost a gimme a free pass to memories and alleys glass sewer smells cafes hoards people clad in black and humming and hair light artificial light bounced off rain slicked streets into passing eyes and dandies and fancies what a cheap way to appear to be saying something and saying very little actually but maybe that's ok if a poem is seen as an avenue of access to his or her or yours or mine our notions aspirations understandings so then maybe it's ok to say city and call city a poem and leave it.
And bounces and cities but what a vague word to invoke to call upon almost a gimme a free pass to memories and alleys glass sewer smells cafes hoards people clad in black and humming and hair light artificial light bounced off rain slicked streets into passing eyes and dandies and fancies what a cheap way to appear to be saying something and saying very little actually but maybe that's ok if a poem is seen as an avenue of access to his or her or yours or mine our notions aspirations understandings so then maybe it's ok to say city and call city a poem and leave it.
Oh yeah... I got hit by a car on Monday. I'm ok, aside from a sore leg and some scratches and bruises.
almost a gimme a free pass to memories and alleys glass sewer smells cafes hoards people clad in black and humming and hair light artificial light bounced off rain slicked streets
that's an ill observation, the way certain words are so loaded with sentiment and emotional imagery. i really dig this poem - nice.
got paid yesterday for the damages incurred by the accident. yippee.
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