i recently had to buy some new tires and, with a strong recommendation from the men at orange20, i went with the specialized armadillo city tire [my rear is the folding version and my front is the non-folding [not purposefully]]. i've had best success with the bontrager race lite hard case, but heard good things about the armadillo and wanted to support a smaller, track-oriented shop. four days into riding the front tire [non-folding], i'm riding down w. sunset blvd. and my tire completely splits. tire is flat within twenty seconds and i find a gash through the tire in the tube about two centimeters across [bigger than i've encountered with the exception of a tube blowing up]. now i'm left with a $40 barely-used tire that's shit to me. luckily tattiya and i had gone on a ride [oh yeah, check out http://ridearc.org/] and she'd driven to meet me in silver lake, so we were near her car and drove home. fast forward three days. being a tight-ass and refusing to succumb to a small gash, i decide to try to fix this thing.
step a: buy adhesive.
step b: apply adhesive to inside of gash, both on the inner and outer parts of the tire.
step c: place a folded dollar bill across the inside tire over the gash, also using adhesive to secure the bill.
step d: wait.
i have a feeling this isn't going to work. so for now my opinion is that specialized's claim that the armadillo is "puncture-proof" is very false.
in other news,
remember the summer?
yo yo yo have orange 20 send it back to specialized. you'll probly get some free tires out of the deal. orrrr send it to specialized yo-self.
i think i will indeed give that a try... update: when i was about to leave my house to have the front tire looked at i realized my rear was also flat. boo. i made it to o20 just now and they were just as surprised as i was and gave me another armadillo at half price.
streets is ill.
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