intelligentsia got rid of their urn for brewed coffee and now relies solely on two clovers for all of our brewed coffee needs []. every cup brewed freshly.
the vacant counter space is now occupied by a two-group synesso [], which marvellously complements our three-head at the front of the bar. this is ballin in coffee land. oh, and it's a little late to mention now [though maybe we'll get more?], but intelligentsia silver lake engorged it's succulent tastebuds with the worldwide-competition-winning hacienda la esmeralda de panama [read geoff watts's accout here:]. it was delicious. retail: $55/ 4 oz. or $220 / pound. oh, we also just got the little 1-3 cup chemex [] in... not sure what it'll retail at yet, but it's pretty cute:
and makes a damn clean cup of coffee. we also carry the 8 cup version.
tattiya's goga ride is still kicking ass [].

the air here is fucking horrible.
[courtesy of]
^that small purple spot is where i live. purple means "very unhealthy" and helps to explain why i've been using my inhaler more than usual the past few days.
the mash dvd is now available for to order. it's $40, but looks to be well worth it and will ship nov. 15. i forgot to mention.. the weekend of the l.a. premier tattiya and george and monica [george's gf] and i had just finished eating thai food on melrose and pulled into the street when suddenly we were swarmed on by all the mash dudes [massan, emi, etc...] just fucking flying down melrose. i wasn't planning on partaking in any of the events, but that made my [i'm going to say it] heart speed up quite a bit. we drove behind them down melrose and watched as they were refused entrance to paramount studios..
this past sunday polopolopoloXXbikebikebike was pretty awesome. this dude boo showed up from sf [happened to be in town] and played a few games with us, forcing us not only to step it up but also reminding us that bike polo is bigger than what we do here and that we need to motivate and make it to some tournaments, etc.
sorry for all the pasted links without pop-up-in-another-windowness.
there's a lot of good content in this post. I hope you, and phill and earl keep going on this site. it's nice to keep up with the things that some of the most talented kids I know are doing.
thanks, lenny! and thanks for reading.
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