Friday, October 26, 2007

update on my run-in with the bus

[regarding my post from 10/22/07 about a dangerous encounter i experienced]

--from l.a.'s metro customer relations:

"We certainly regret the incident below and will make a report against
the driver. Can you please tell us what direction you were traveling?
Did you by chance see the operator's badge number on their sleeve?

Again, our regret for this incident.

Metro Customer Relations"

--and my response:

"Thanks for your response. I was heading west and, unfortunately, was
unable to retrieve the operator's badge number."

--and their response:

"Thank you for your information. We apologize for the unprofessional
conduct of the operator. Per Metro procedures, operators encountering a
cyclist on the road or on an adjacent bike path should follows at a safe
distance. If it is necessary to pass a cyclist, the bus is to slow down
and pass with 3-4 -1/2 foot side clearance from them.
Rest assured your report will be investigated.

We entered your report into our database and forwarded a copy to
management for their review. They will identify the operator, interview
them and take corrective measures. Thank you for bringing this to our

Metro Customer Relations"

i'm pretty happy with the attention they've given my incident.

ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO!! i forgot to mention: intelligentsia silver lake is hosting its first art opening tonight 10.26 from 7-11pm featuring the photo montage art of georgia cobb turcasio [i think i got the names spelled right]. the pieces will be up for a few weeks.

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