Tuesday, December 4, 2007

a draft for a poem about poetry

It isn’t a race
it isn’t a struggle
for words out there
it isn’t saying it
before someone else
and it needn’t be rushed
or explosions
like sifting through the madness for the word, the line, the way no
no it can be keeping the music
from going away
and ensuring hums
and looks and insurance
to cover foreign nights
it needn’t be laziness
or relying on ambiguity
or hearts going out
and it needn’t be a song
and it isn’t wishing to be heard (is it?)
and it sure is easy to make it more than it is
and it isn’t pressing buttons (yes it is)
and it is a source for embellishment
and beauty but not envy
and an aid for finding smiles when stumbling along.

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