Wednesday, September 5, 2007

business casual and white walls

i started teaching again yesterday. it's pretty unnerving when you become responsible for what people need to learn. worse enough when impressions count and one must make themself trustworthy of their position. however, it's pretty damn cool being able to shape people's lives.

i did these renderings two years ago and miss the process, and most importantly, the product of design. the things that we allow to encompass our lives affect greatly those around us and mostly give validation to our actions in the future. i'm going to start looking for a design job for the mere sake that i want to create bigger things and as cliche as it may be, at least make a better life for others.

got lots of fine tuning and work to do, so if i don't see anyone, it's because i'm balls deep into my portfolio. plus i need to fulfill my insatiable need for beer, coffee, and cigarettes.

1 comment:

jared said...

i remember you working on that.. come visit! we're having a party on oct. 13th.